Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An interesting Article

I read an article today from MSN.COM by By The Editors of Marie Claire entitled Things a Man Should Never Do in the Company of a Woman . Read it through and feel free to comment on it, as I will do so too.

Reveal how much your car cost. (yeah I do not want to know the price as long as its Mercedes, its fine with me..LOL)

Clean your gun. (ahemmm...)

Polish high school trophies (which you still have displayed). (Oh no !!!)

Refer to your mother as your best friend. (Momma's boy eh,oppps, I married one)

Rap. (dont do it, unless you really can)..lol

Check out our assistant/roommate/the baby-sitter. (NOT UNLESS ITS YOUR PARTNER)

Question our footwear. (yeah, dont go there..lol)
Blow-dry your hair. (arghhh)
Tip less than 20 percent. (Yeah dont be stingy)
Celebrity impressions. (Don't do it, don't do it)
Impressions of us.
Forget to carry cash. (Oh I hope not!!)
Flip it, flop it, swing it around, tug on it, adjust it, scratch it, or do anything that will remind us that it's just a goofy appendage and not a mystical source of pleasure and satisfaction.
Wii. (hahahha)
Boot and rally.
Scream—at the dog, at the guy who just stole your parking spot, at Bill Belichick. Because, no matter how much Belichick deserves it (cheater!), when we hear you raise your voice, we have an idea of what we're in for.
Talk about former exploits. Ever.
Use the words bitch, slut, tramp, or whore, unless referring to another man. (hahahaha)
Tell us you're going to kiss us. (Just get on with it!) JUST DO IT!!!

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