Is there a moment in your life today, that you just sit there and think, the “what could have been and what if’s in your life?” I often do. If my day is going slow, I often daydream about that “what could have been” if I didn’t come to US? What could have happened to me if I did not marry at a young age? What could have happened to me if I stayed in the Philippines?

Sometimes, these questions linger on my mind and I kept asking myself, WHAT IF? If I think about those things, I smiled and said to myself; whatever I have today is what I have chosen to be. Whether I may like the outcome of the decisions I made years ago, it is what it is. I cannot undo the things that happened in the past. I can only learn from my mistakes and I can only do better.
Like you, I have made poor decisions in my life. Whether it was personal, career wise or emotional---I have made mistakes. If you would blame yourself for the poor choices you have made, you are only hurting yourself and you are stopping yourself from moving on. It’s okay to cry if you are hurt. It’s okay to be lonely if you are disappointed. But do not let it settle in you.

You must step up and say to yourself, I AM STRONG, I CAN DO THIS! Move on!!! It’s never too late to do something for the better. There is always time for everything. Do something to get yourself out of where you are now. And do not forget to always ask guidance from God.
“Do not worry about anything, instead, pray about everything”. Philippians 4:6
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