Friday, November 30, 2007

The Birth of my son, Robert William DeCaprio

Few weeks after our honeymoon, I have found out that i missed my period. I told my husband about it and we waited for another month before we had a pregnancy test. A month after I missed my period, we bought one and few minutes after, it was showing that it was positive.It was a mixed emotion. Iwas soooo happy yet I was worried. I was worried that I did not have my family with me. How can I raised this kid without my mom guiding me what to do? But sure it is very rewarding.I feel like this is it. God completes my life by giving me a treasured blessing!

My pregnancy wasn't at all a bed of roses. The first 3 months was pure puking..LOL I was sick to death! Everytime I eat something, I easily throw it up. I was so sick plus I missed home (Philippines).But I am glad I surpassed it all.
April 8, 2003 was when I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.8 lbs and 8 ounces.Big Boy huh!! Oh well, I had a c-section so it was all goood.:) Anyway, I was on labor for 13 hours..OUCH!! Yup sure was! But after those long hours, I heard my son cry for the first time and it was all WORTH IT!
Robert William is what we named him. Robert is Joe's father's name and William is my father's name. We named him after our father's name as thank you to both of our fathers.

Robert William is now 4 years old and he is now in pre K. He grow up to be such a pleasant boy. Truly a blessing and happiness to us. I wish him to grow and become a better christian..

My Son is my life and happiness.

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